Thursday, February 19, 2009

Emma at the Arboretum

I took this picture of Emma back in March 2003...This has been my favorite picture for a long time, as I love how she is just hiding amongst the plants and looks as if she's trying to see if anyone notices!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Another week...

Well, I finally have the blog looking right, atleast on my computer. Big step for me. Next step for me will be to get pictures on the blog. I have some CUTE ones from the "autograph" line from last weeks musical...

We're getting ready for a big Valentine's weekend (ha!). Emma is in her last performance of "Oz the Musical" tonight and so we have to rush her over to Ft. Worth to do that...then tomorrow it will be heart shaped pancakes, and red velvet cupcakes...all about the food.

Well, that's all the excitement for now.